Location: Midwest, United States

Friday, July 03, 2009

A message in my cereal bowl

This morning as I was putting fruit on my cereal, I had a thought that I have often:

There are a zillion and five paint/dye colors out there. However, it still seems like there is no true way to capture the colors that are created in the wild. Those colors are so deep, so vibrant, so fluid that it seems there is no way to really replicate them with synthetic mediums.

The sunset I saw a few nights ago as I drove home through the River Valley. In parts of the sky there was barely any color and in other parts it was the deepest pink. I know that millions of paintings have tried to replicate this, but I don't think they ever quite succeed.

The cattails that we walked through last night. Husband, baby B and I went for a walk through a wet land nature preserve and in the evening light the greens were so incredibly vibrant in contrast with the beautiful dark water, it was breath taking. There is no comparison to the green of a living thing.

My blueberries this morning were that deep, deep blue with a bit of lighter color over the top. Hardly words to describe, but a color that makes you feel that it is fitting that you EAT blueberries, as a way to experience them to the fullest.

Fall leaves, especially the color of leaves from Maple trees. Last fall, on the morning of LLC's wedding, as I drove through the tree-lined streets on the way to the church, my breath was taken away as the sun came through many of these bright red leaves. I don't think I will ever forget that feeling or that picture in my mind.

It strikes me as I write this that maybe that is why winter is so hard for me (and many others)... I miss the vibrant colors and textures of the world while it is covered in white flatness that is either too dark or too bright. So I guess a reminder, in the middle of the summer, to enjoy the existence of color today, even if it is just in your bowl of cereal.


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