Location: Midwest, United States

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Door Not Opened

I generally consider myself a smart girl. There are only a couple of things that make this hard to believe. One is my problem with choosing the wrong restroom door. No the symbols don’t look similar and the words “women” and “men” are not confusing... There is just something about being on a mission- thinking more about going to the bathroom than about where I am going- that causes me, on occasion, to end up in the wrong room.

What are those porcelain things on the wall and why are men....???? ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION. TURN AROUND AND GET OUT NOW!

I will admit that there has been at least one time where I ended up in the stall before I figured it out. It happens most in gas stations, but has also happened twice at school (most awful), and once at a drinking establishment (most explainable).

So tonight, on our trek up north, we stopped at the gas station. As I walked into the store, the guy ahead of me held the door open for me. He was younger-probably in his twenties and wearing a hat. I noticed quickly that we were both headed to the restrooms. I got a little confused as we BOTH passed the men’s room and walked into the women’s. I almost warned him, but then at the last minute I was afraid that I might have not looked closely enough, that "he" was a "she".

It only took a second before he turned around and looked at me with a very confused look on his face like, “why did she just follow me..?” And at the same moment that I knew he was not a woman, he knew that he had just taken the wrong exit. As he was mumbling in embarrassment, the ABORT MISSION light started flashing in his eyes and he sped past me, out of there. I could only look at him apologetically and silently appreciate it hadn't been me this time.


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