Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Escaping to camp

When I was in college I was a camp counselor in Northern Wisconsin. I loved it- I actually got paid to sail boats with kids all day long. Granted, sometimes the kids got to be a bit much, or the showers that would only spray water on you while you pulled on the cord were a bit annoying, or you got sick of being outside constantly and you would want to be in the real world for just a little while. Doing things like purposely walking through the weeds in the water to demonstrate that they weren't monsters and that you didn't really need to scream whenever you came into contact with them while swimming, became, well, a bit mundane. Things like walking on carpet became what you day dreamed about.

So of course, anytime the real world becomes a bit much, I day dream about camp. Today, as I was in my car running wedding "errands" for what seemed like hours, I tried to think of the most fun thing that we did at camp. I think it was the sock-flour game that I can't remember the name of. Here is how it went. All the campers dressed completely in black, and the few people that were appointed to be the "medics" dressed in white. A portion of the counselors and campers would get tube socks filled with flour. The object of the game was to avoid getting hit with the flour-sock and getting a white mark on you. If you did get hit with a sock you had to stand where you were hit and scream for a medic until they came and "freed" you. The game went on until the "sockers" or the "medics" were victorious (The sockers were always victorious, eventually). At that point, all the campers would be completely white with flour and would be hosed down and then sent for a swim, fully clothed in the lake (I wonder how that worked for the eco-system of Lake Pokeg?). It was a fun game, especially if you got to be a "socker". For a couple of hours, all thoughts of the real world would vanish and all you really were focused on was running around, screaming your lungs out, and of course, getting as messy as possible.


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