Location: Midwest, United States

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Dispatches

Hmmm.... the desire to blog has been so strong. It can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that I have about 60 pages of writing to do in the next two weeks, right?

Last night, I went out for a belated birthday celebration with frisbee gals. We went to Psycho Suzie's in NE for dinner and fabulous pizza. It was a really fun time. Lots of laughing and good stories.

Today is the funeral for my student's mom who committed suicide. I have been thinking about it so much lately. Sadness for my student, questions about why her mom did it. I know the family pretty well as I have had both kids now in class. I keep thinking about the fact that both parents were always so great to talk to and what a successful women the mom was. Her obit guest book has people from literally all across the country writing in about how shocked and devastated they are, and what a wonderful women she was. She was also a University of WI alum and we often talked about her continued involvement with the U.

Depression is a really scary thing- I can't imagine how she could have gotten to the point of feeling as though taking her own life was her only way out. Apparently it was a really short bout- she had just taken some time off from work to deal with it. On her first day home she took her life. And for her daughter and son- how do you pick up at 17 or 18 years of age and just keep going after your mom commits suicide? It has been weighing heavily on my mind since last Friday when I found out. Suicide is so completely devastating and is so hard to understand.

Today I am also doing a phone interview with a publishing company that has approached me about working with them on a few supplements for their American Government program. I am curious, as I know nothing more than I have written here about what they are thinking. It is nice to find jobs without looking, though.

On that note, career changes are coming up and it is making me both nervous and excited. I don't know what it will be like not to teach anymore. On one hand it is very sad for me. I have been sorting and filing- mostly with the knowledge that I don't know when, if ever, I will ever be using some of these materials again. Of course I have awesome students this semester who make it harder to envision not teaching anymore. On the other hand, it will be a good feeling for the first time in 9 years to not be going through the end of summer crush and fall rush of classroom and curriculum preparation. It might be fun to see what else is out there and if I have any other skills other than working with a classroom of kids everyday. So much to think about.

Finally, I have been asked to be a fellow with an undergraduate program that is called 'living lives of meaning'. It is a program where students live at a camp on the prairie in southern MN for a month during the summer. It is based around sustainable living, personal growth, and academic learning. Each week the camp hosts a few visiting fellows who lead discussion, facilitate activities, and just generally work with the undergrads and professors. I am going to head down for a week this summer to participate in the program. I am excited after hearing the rave reviews that exist on campus about "philosophy camp".

Papers here I come.


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