Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Vagrant Pair of Undies...

The humongous piles of dirty laundry that appeared post spring break were daunting. Almost immediately I started in on the clothes, the dirty sheets from our house sitter, our dirty sheets from before we left.

And then amid the clean laundry a few days later, emerged one pair of clean, yet foreign undies.

Now where did these come from?

Small, Victoria's Secret, Magenta, stretchy.

I immediately assumed they were DrMI's... Her cat Jack has a propensity for balled up socks. He moves them from suitcase to living room, to bed, etc. I quickly saw him in my mind moving undies from DrMI bedroom to the guest room and INTO our suitcase.

In packing up the items to send back to DrMI from the trip
(a borrowed shirt, cd, and burned cd) I threw the undies in the package. On the phone she verified, that yes, the undies were hers, that Jack liked panties and we had a little giggle about it.

Well, yesterday, I get the following phone message: "Hi, I just got the package, and ummm... those panties are not mine. My Victoria's Secret's are light pink and cotton, these are magenta and stretchy. So I don't know whose they are, but they are not mine. giggle."

Oops, vagrant undies sent cross-country to non-owner. I hate when I do that.

So as I am listening to the rest of the message, I am scanning the possibilities for where we might have picked up the vagrant undies... I thought about the hotel room (gross!), but crossed it off my list. I thought about the dryer at the laundromat (where we had to dry my down sleeping bag after husband's trunk leaked rain water on it) but I know I had checked the dryer before using. Did any of our friends or relatives we stayed with wear small undies? Did husband... NO. I was perplexed.

I wish I had a picture of the undies to post, but alas they are currently in Detroit.

Today it finally came to me: I didn't see them in the dirty clothes, but did in the clean laundry. So now I think I have needlessly sent a pair of unsuspecting undies to another state, when I now realize that the probable owner is only a few miles away. Are they yours? If so, let's strategize on how to institute "Mission: Rescue Down Under."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bahahaha!! If I weren't at the corporation, I would be laughing out loud rather than quietly to myself.

Can I have my well-traveled undies back?

12:30 PM  

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