Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Plans and ponderings...

There are too many yellows and greens in a box of Mike and Ikes. I am not trying to be discriminatory, but I just hate them. The only time it works out is when husband is around because those are his favorite flavors.

Sadly, I am also to the part of the Raisin Bran Box right now where there are too many raisins. For about 4 days I suffered through no raisins, now only to encounter a huge deluge of them in the bottom of the box and my cereal bowl. I even tried to shake the box upside down before I opened it.

I am getting really excited for our spring break trip- I am ready to see friends, explore, and have fun adventures. The only part that is risky is going so close to the end of the semester at the University. That is going to be tough considering when we get back from driving across the country- it will be smack in the middle of the red zone- deadlines galore. Something tells me I won't be a writing machine while we are in the car.

Thank God the House authorized subpoenas for Bush advisers and senior officials today- it was ridiculous (and disrespectful to the American people who deserve to know the truth) for the Bushies to suggest the officials could be interviewed only off the record and not under oath. It shouldn't really shock me anymore how much a) Bush hopes to get away with and b) how untruthful and manipulative he and his cronies are in the White House. As a historian, I keep thinking about what will be said about this period of time 30 years from now. Are we going to find out the depth of deception of the Bush clan much later?

I worked out the classes I will take this summer and next fall in order to complete my master's degree by next spring. It seems so fast! There are still about a million more classes that I would like to take and be able to add to my final resume, but alas there is only so many credits I can take, so much time, and so much money that I have. The good news is that my last semester will only be three credits- which is all dedicated to writing my master's thesis for a semester. I am meeting with a professor next week to see if he will be my adviser, so now it is just the actual thesis of my master's paper that I have to submit. It is fun to think ahead about how that will all turn out.

It is a sign of spring that we have our last indoor frisbee game this weekend. We already signed up for summer league and that begins in just over a month from now. We started our volleyball season last week with a win and lots of fun and softball season is coming up in about a month. Yippee!

Last weekend my brother, A called to chat for my birthday. We were talking about where I would like to find a job after my master's is completed and much to my shock and surprise he said, "well, you know you do also have ovaries..." I didn't quite catch it, or rather had thought I heard him wrong the first time, so I said, "what?" and he repeated it again. I had heard him correctly. I almost fell off the chair. Since when does A talk to me about having babies? He went on to say that he loves kids and wants one to play with. I told him that if he wanted to move to town and take care of it that we had a deal. I bet he is totally up for staying in most nights as long as he has a baby to play with.

A new Martin Sexton CD is on its way- along with the upcoming concert in April. Stay tuned.


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