Location: Midwest, United States

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Wind

I have to admit that I have a love affair with the wind. It is an amazing power that grows out of... well nothing visible. It is a mysterious, beautiful, strong force that is essentially the breath of the earth. Breathing new life into plants through pollination, into people through sources of power, and even into fire through oxygen. It is the one element that I rejoice in regularly.

I think my love for the wind comes from growing up in a sailing family. Summers spent on the big lake, knowing both the power and the beauty in the wind. I think the depth of my love came out of being both afraid and amazed by it as the same time. How can something so wonderful be such an ardent foe at other times?

Here on the prairie there is new meaning to wind for me, again. It makes the entire prairie alive- it moves the grass on hills in beautiful waves, it makes the trees seem alive, it makes the green of all plants sparkle in the sunshine. It make you feel as though you need to be apart of it- you want to run, be caught up in the wind, to float along on its thermals like the birds. The wind is warm, a reassuring companion as you walk along or just stand on the land.

I have recently forgotten that in the city you never feel quite the wind you do out in the open places. Wind makes you feel free, wild, and strong all at the same time. Take some time and find the wind again if you can, hopefully, it will move you.


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