Location: Midwest, United States

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Frisbee Rules

It is amazing how when you become so accustomed to something or a certain culture, you stop noticing the things that make it unique. Last night since our normal frisbee league had a night off, we played some pick up with about 20 other people. As we were leaving, we started to talk about the unspoken rules that abound, but never fail with ultimate frisbee around here:
  • Pick up games never start on time. In fact, mostly likely the actual scrimmaging will begin some time 45 minutes to an hour after the meeting time.
  • Prior to actual scrimmage there is a lot of the following going on: talking about other frisbee games, throwing the disc around, bandaging up and braces for bad ankles and knees, and the putting on of socks. Which leads to the next rule:
  • One never arrives in shoes other than sandals- even in cool weather, this remains protocol.
  • Any sort of pick up requires both a light and a dark shirt. Most everyone has them and shirts are regularly changed with reckless abandon on the side lines, with many shirts being borrowed and exchanged for the sake of "gender match ups" and even numbers on each team.
  • Once on the "line" names are shared with many comments of: "I think we've played together" or "Do you normally play at the Lake pick up? You look familiar". Once you are defending someone, you normally introduce yourself quickly between points. Don't be fooled- this is a very active social network where most people at least know of most other people who regularly play-especially if they are good.
  • No matter which "team" you are on, when you make a good play- it is called out from all directions- from opponents, from teammates, and from those on the sidelines.
  • frisbee jargon abounds while the disc is flying around: words like pick, callahan, line for one, force, zone, fire!, no breaks! and others make it seem like you need a "frisbee for dummies" to translate.
  • Finally, once the scrimmage has been going on with no scoring for a least an hour, maybe more, there is an inevitable call for "hey guys, game to seven?" just about the time you are thinking you should be getting home.
As much as I can roll my eyes at many of these "rules", the truth is, it is comforting to take part in the ritual of it all. You may not know all the players all the time, but you always know the way you play the game.


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