Location: Midwest, United States

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ornaments of my life

The following post comes from my new found determination to make something good out of the holidays. (Written last weekend).

Last night we ended up with an amalgamation of people at our house- by accident. There were no invites, just people helping with the basement, neighbors coming down the street, and friends driving through the snow to bring cookies and hot toddies to our house. It was a little like an unexpected open house- and a lot like a Christmas party that just happened.

Throughout the coming and going in the evening, I was decorating our tree. We had gotten it earlier in the day, while snow flakes were flying, at our favorite coffee shop (that in the winter also sells Christmas Trees). Happily, everyone let me continue decorating while they played Wii with husband.

As I pulled out each ornament, I was realizing why I like decorating the tree so much. It is because each ornament that goes on the tree, has a story to it... The ornament I got when I first bought this house, the ornament I got from my freshman year next door neighbor in the dorms, the ornaments husband and I got as a present from his aunt and uncle the day we got engaged, the ornament I made in second grade, the ornaments I have always gotten from my grandma, and ornaments that we have received as gifts from friends. All special symbols of our lives.

All of the reminiscing was happening in my own head, of course. But it was so great doing it while I was with people who could tell how much I was enjoying myself, sipping my hot toddy, and occasionally glancing out the window at the falling snow.

The holidays are really fun sometimes.


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