Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What I have in store for me...

Last Sunday afternoon we were sitting in the park and I was leaning up against an old Oak tree feeding Benji with Jff looking on. Suddenly Jff says looking at the tree, "this tree is a perfect G.I. Joe tree." I didn't respond right away and he went on comtemplating silently. Finally, I admitted that I was puzzled (looking back more about where the comment came from than why it was a G.I. Joe tree... but anyways). He simply explained that the bark would allow one to wedge the G.I. Joe Guy into the tree and then throw rocks and sticks at them until they fell out of the tree. Fantastic.

It made me think about another recent example of how much I have to learn about boys and the way that they think: recently, we were on a walk- passing by the elementary school close to our house. In the parking lot was a dad with two young boys playing around on skate boards. As we passed, one of the kids purposely aimed his skate board at his friend's skate board and hoped right on. I braced myself for crying as the four year old hit the other skateboard with his and fell down pretty hard. Instead of crying, he got right back up and said, "I'm doing that again! It was fun!"

Oh, what an interesting learning curve it will be...


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