Location: Midwest, United States

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Twenty Nine

My twenty-ninth birthday was pretty fun. Jff and BHH had planned somewhat of a suprise birthday party and had everyone come over in their old high school colors. I of course was dressed in my current school colors and had to pin "the item to the student", we also had a pinata and let me go after it with a bat, and we had a cake. It was fun, I remember laughing really, really hard when we were hitting the pinata.

I can't remember a lot of specifics from last spring, I know we were really busy planning the wedding and Jff was busy graduating. I know that I was accepted to grad school into the Master of Liberal Studies. I also remember that the Ole girls and AT helped me put together my wedding invitations together one night, and that another bbthunder helped me address them all. That was fun. Other than that there was a lot of discussion of hair appointments, dressed, and everything else where I felt like I really didn't know what the heck I was doing. In May, Bhh and I drove up to Duluth for a wedding shower at my mom's house... I was thankful for people doing that for me, but I was a little uncomfortable and didn't know why. We had a good drive though.

In mid May Jff graduated after a gruelling semester. I was so proud of him. He did amazing things in grad-school and worked really hard with almost no one realizing it of him. Strangely, I don't have any pictures of this, but I know that mom and dad Jff do. Right about this time is when friends Bhh and At had a wedding shower for me, it was nice. That Spring our friends A & G got married and so did my friend KCL. My friend At was getting ready to have her first baby and we had a shower for her. My niece was baptized and we had a wedding shower for Dr.MI.

In May we also adopted a new kitty named Nora. We had been talking for a long time of getting a buddy for Leo. Although I had originally wanted a dog, this was vetoed because we aren't around enough for a dog. This is true, so we ended up with another kitty. Leo was not happy about a kitten invading his house and now, nearly a year later, we have come a long ways. Nora is so loving and very sociable. She is however, unabashedly, Jff's cat. That is fair, since Leo and I have a special connection, so it is sweet that she loves him so much (and he, her).

As soon as school was over, things really ramped up. We left almost right away for DrMI's wedding in Jamaica. We had a great time for the 5 days we were there. We stayed in a really amazing tiny resort on the far western edge of the Island. The Rock House in Negril. The cliff there were absolutely beautiful and water was breathtaking. The resort filled up with mostly guests to the wedding alone and so we knew almost everyone. We went snorkling with friends J and D, we took a glass bottomed boat to the beach, we went out for Jerk chicken with all the young wedding guests- that was really fun- especially when it turned into skinny dipping in the pool. The next day was the wedding and right before hand a huge storm rolled through- most of the guests got soaked, but the wedding went on as planned afterwards and was absolutely beautiful. DrMI and husband were brilliant and glowing.

Returning with two and half weeks left to go before our wedding was crazy. There was so much to do. Soon after AT, who was supposed to be a bridesmaid and who was also pregnant, was put on bedrest. She wouldn't be able to be in the wedding. I was happy to ask my friend LH to be in the wedding and I am really thankful that she accepted. She even got the dress altered in a week. My uncle was sick during this time, and I remember my Dad saying he might not come to the wedding because my uncle might die. My sister was refusing to communicate with me about anything about plans for the wedding. Looking back it was not the smoothest week before the wedding. But in the end it was all okay. Friends again helped me with the programs and I had a fun bachelorette party-Rock climbing was a great idea.

In the end the wedding was good, it flew by, and I had a great time. Jff and I couldn't stop talking about how much fun we had had on Sunday night when it was all over. We were lucky to have so many friends and family from all over around us. For our mini-honey moon we spent a few days in Door County just relaxing and doing a little bit of sight seeing. My favorite was the night we went out for dinner right on the beach and watched the amazing sunset. Pretty fun.

We came back from our little vacation and realized the rest of the summer was going to be just as busy as it had been. We were busy dealing with wedding gifts and registries. We also took another trip up the BWCA with the H-H's. That was really fun, although the weather wasn't as cooperative this year. We enjoyed our garden and having friends up to Dad's cabin. In the very end of the summer, Jff and I flew out to CA with the rest of the family to attend his cousin's wedding. It was the most expensive, gorgeous wedding I have ever been to. It was really fun to see the family, though and as nice last trip before school started.

In the fall I started both teaching part time and going to grad school. It was busy, but I was having a great time. I was so excited to be finally in school- I had been thinking about going back for so long and it was finally working! I was so happy to have the wedding behind us and to be looking forward to our real honeymoon in Hawaii. My sister got married two months after our wedding. The wedding was not my most favorite event ever, but I hope that they remain happy and remember it fondly.

The first few hours we were in Hawaii, an earthquake hit. It shook the bed, it made the walls creak and sway. I didn't really know what it was until afterwards. That first day was a little off- no one knew what to do and everyone was freaking out. After that, Hawaii got back to normal. We had an amazing week- helicopter tour, driving around the island, swimming, snorkeling, flying to Kawaii, you name it it was fun. It was a perfect Honeymoon. It is my most favorite place I have ever been and even though the plane ride was horrible, I can't wait to go back.

Since October, life has been good as usual. Marriage continues to be wonderful and amazing- more so than I ever would have imagined. Jff has found dream job working with economies of scale and green energy solutions. I continue on with grad school, still not sure exactly what I will end up doing, but hoping to be happy and successful in it. We have a trip out to the D.C. area planned a few weeks and we have a birthday celebration planned for tonight.

In working on all these crazy- long blog posts about my 20's, I have become ready to turn 30. Turning 30 is not so bad when you realize how incredibly full and happy your life is. In fact, so full and happy that you realize that you are constantly leaving out big exciting things and small wonderful surprises in every post. I think the realization is that if I had tried to put all of those things down I wouldn't have ever finished these posts. Looking back to see myself grow and change into more and more the person that I have always envisioned is truly a gift to myself. It is truly hard to explain, but immeasurable in its truth and depth. For those of you who have taken this whole journey with me, thank you. For those of you who have jumped on for different segments, I have been happy to have you and hope you do well. And for those of you who have been with me most recently, you make me tremendously excited for the future. Yippee for a brand new decade!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wedding shots are so picturesque - it looks like everyone had a great time! Hope you're enjoying 29.

9:02 AM  

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