Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The realities (a.k.a. tragedies) of bring little ones into the world (or trying to).

I couldn't help but think about the tragedies and triumphs that shape our lives today...This morning I was reading a blog that is kept up by a friend's husband. My friend had recently announced that she was pregnant, only to read that on Friday they found out that she was in the middle of miscarrying. I cannot begin to understand how that feels, but all day today my mind kept returning to my friend and her family. How do you get over something like that? How do you move past the deep sadness that something like that brings? Time strikes me as one of the only things that can help you heal an internal, emotional wound such as that.

Meanwhile another couple I know have been trying to get pregnant for over a year with their second. Their first pregnancy required little effort and now the second, long considered a 'when' and not an 'if' is not working. They are beginning to despair that they may not end up having a second with out a great amount of intervention by medical professionals. That has got to take some of the great happiness out of the triumph of pregnancy.

Tonight we hosted the mom and baby class  "reunion" at our house (the class I attended with other mom and babies this summer). Five of the seven moms, dads, and babies were here to enjoy a little bit of time together and to catch up since our last class a little over a month ago. As all five babies were laying together on the floor and the parents were snapping pictures, I couldn't help but think about how lucky we all are to have had babies who are very healthy and all have a great start at life. We were able to share stories of breastfeeding mishaps, nursing strikes, and back to work challenges all while not really having to worry in the large scheme about the well-being of our children.

Yet still, I am reminded by the tragedies that remain for some of the moms from class... although A has a very healthy little boy, she has vaginal nerve damage that after four months still has not gone away and that causes her a great deal of pain. Another of the moms had very serious complications with her uterus essentially detaching from her body after the birth, and now questions whether or not she will be able to have another baby.

Ultimately, this bringing a child into the world (or even attempting it) is not for the weak or faint-hearted. It is the closest that we humans get to playing God and yet we are still a far cry from being able to control what really happens or even understand the reasons for why things happen the way they do.


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