Location: Midwest, United States

Friday, December 08, 2006

Elevator Maintenance

I realized today that I think of people's emotional capabilities in terms of elevators. Some you only ever get to the second floor with, no matter how long you know them or how you operate your own elevator, you end up with the realization that is where things stop. You get off the elevator, wishing you had taken the stairs.

I'll be honest, an elevator that goes up too fast makes me feel queasy. But an elevator that just stops, or worse, one that returns to the first floor constantly is tedious and really, really boring. A nice, natural rise to the upper floors is what I like. (I also like elevators where I can see out- you can see how far you've come and how great the view is as you go up.)

Amen to those people out there who are real, whose elevators give you access to the "good" floors in good time. Your elevators make life worth riding up and down.

A good time last night and this afternoon; a tremendous relief from the 'box'. Dynamic people are so great to know. Kind, funny, flexible, and just down right interesting individuals bring out the best in all of us. They revel in the less-than-perfect and the more-than-enough of life. They don't compare themselves to others, they don't judge, they don't label. They are just out there living their lives, doing the best they can without worrying about perfection, because they know the secret: you only live it once. Your elevator works better the more you use it.


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