Location: Midwest, United States

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dear Exile

I used to carry around little books with me everywhere and I would fill them with quotes and small thoughts I had. Favorite lines from songs, good parts of books, a nice picture, just thought provoking things. I am going to try and post some of my favorites. They are so fun to read, because they remind of me of phases, thoughts, and books I want to dig out again.

This one is from a spectacular book, Dear Exile. A friend made me think about this one tonight.

"Being single means carrying groceries home, eating them, reading and eventually falling asleep and waking up and doing it all again. But when you are in a couple you carry groceries together. Someone slices, you dice; someone sits on the toilet lid to talk to you while you brush; and when you settle down to read, someone's leg flops over your leg, a reminder that you are attractive, that you are loved, that even in your solidary activities someone is considering you, that life has meaning. Not only am I alone every night, but I actively, painfully, miss my yet-unfound Dave everyday as if he were lost at sea."


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