Location: Midwest, United States

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Gray Area

It may come as no surprise to anyone who knows us: husband and I regularly engage in political discussions, or on the rare occasions, debates. That is what you get when you put a government teacher and a policy analyst together. Political engagement is important in our little part of the world.

I don't think this happens because I think to myself, "self, find someone to talk politics with," or "engage, self, engage." I just find it all very interesting. I listen to NPR for about an hour in the morning, I usually read the paper (at least the front page section) and I regularly look for information online. Granted, some of this I do for my job, but mostly I just want to KNOW.

More and more I find that some times I don't know what to talk to people about, (evidenced today at lunch when I had to muddle through talking to a stranger), I am not good at small talk. I am most often thinking about current events or human behavior, and those topics are often out of the question with the average folk. Most people don't really like social studies, and talking to Minnesotans sometimes about politics is a little like asking them about sex. They get kind of quiet and most things become "interesting" or "different" but nothing more than that.

So, to say the least, my heart and brain were warmed when the topic of conversation at the gathering on Saturday night turned to politics. (notably the transportation amendment and the efficacy of third parties.) Politics in general don't usually sustain much conversation in the "group" but we hit a gold mine on Saturday. We all engaged in an intelligent conversation that really got at issues and major questions surrounding the issues. Almost everyone participated, and the best part: No one got personally offended. There was no ups-manship or name calling or even an exchange of angry words. It was just an honest exchange of ideas and theories. It was great fun, and more than that, I just keep thinking about many of the things that people argued Saturday. It is a mark of a good conversation when it stays with you for days.

The only problem now is that I am even more on the fence regarding the transportation amendment than I was before... I think in this case that is a good thing, though. Gray area is where its at in many of these issues, and I am just glad I was able to go there with friends that I spend a Saturday night with.


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