Location: Midwest, United States

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I was told today by a student that I was a "dope" teacher. Hmmm, is that a compliment? I know dope is supposed to be cool, but is it cool that I am being compared to a drug? I don't think our discussion in class today about selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights comes anywhere near to producing a 'high', so I am left to wonder if perhaps the student herself was already high. makes you think.

Anyways, on to other things. I am happy to report that three weeks into my new schedule of teaching part time and going to grad school full time that I am LOVING IT! I have never had such a nice schedule. I have never been quite so relaxed while teaching and have never been so excited to be in classes again. It is, in part, that I have such great classes to go to at night. A writing intensive class on interdisciplinary study and a class on Public Schools and the State Legislature. But teaching is great this year, too. Probably because I am called 'dope' while I am there.

One measure that indicates that I am leading a wonderful life right now is that I am doing fictional reading (during the school year!!!) and I am taking one or two nights off a week to just hang out with husband. I am still running regularly and am starting to get to bed at 10 pm-early enough for a full 8 hour sleep. How could I be so lucky right now?

Speaking of luck, Husband's luck just turned. He found a job. After months of exhaustive informational interviews, networking, writing cover letters, and doing interviews, he is gainfully employed. And much to my pleasure, it is at a job that he is really excited about. When it really comes down to it, nothing matters so much (at least to us) as finding a job that is a vocation for you. Something you care about and want to do everyday with your heart not just your head. Yippee for him.

Well is once again the time where I go change my clothes from teacher uniform of the day (tan corduroy skirt, black cardigan, and black mary janes, today) to student wear (whatever I decide that is today) and switch from my teaching function to my learning function. Cool, or I mean, Dope?


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