Location: Midwest, United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Where would I be without friends?

This week has been busy and it is only Tuesday afternoon... Even though it has been so busy, using every second for work, I have had a few chances to squeeze in conversations with friends. K and I even gabbed through all the chiming and dinging of the light rail ride to school last night.

I have recently begun to realize these great conversations fill me back up after hectic days. It is so nice to hear what friends are up to, what they are thinking about, what they are worrying about, and what the 'lastest' is. . . . Conversations where you can share the stupid things that you are thinking about (this saves Jff from a little bit of acting interested in dumb details) are really refreshing because all of a sudden someone reminds you that they think about the same things. I feel so much better about my wedding photos now that three girlfriends have said, "Oh, don't feel bad, it is okay to admit it, I felt the exact same way when I got my photos back." Whew, what a relief. And gee, it is not so bad that I can barely walk because my foot problem is acting up (too much running, walking, teaching) or that I backed into a dumpster, when I hear tales of other calamities and misfortunes that have occurred recently. It is some how reassuring to know that life contains these little interesting tidbits for other people, too. (I hope that does not sound mean...)

It is also nice to know that friends are thinking of you. Last week when I began grad school I got messages from 3 friends wishing me luck on Tuesday. How nice, I didn't even think about it and they all did. Also, the happy hour group being willing to switch things up once in a while so that I might join is really nice.

Yippee for friends, lucky for me to have such nice ones.


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