I like this time of year- it is a period of time- a month or a little more where I get excited about forecasts of snow, of cookie-making parties, and seeing all the holiday lights up as I drive around at night. It seems like a fun build up to Christmas and I like it most because it makes winter, not always a pleasant season, seem fun.
The holidays, at the same time, are such a hectic time as well. Lots of decisions, parties, food, tasks, and a sort of bustle that can make one a bit crazy. It seems like it takes special care to really enjoy it all, without letting the bustle get too overwhelming. Going on snowy walks, taking warm baths, and keeping up with running has been my ticket this year to really enjoying the season. I believe that instituting a nation-wide napping trend at work during the day is the next step towards a more sane holiday season...but that might be a while in coming,
Today, I noticed a squirrel running across the snow and I had a strange thought sequence... First, I wondered where squirrels sleep when they are not running around (and how do they stay warm?) and then I realized that for all I see them, I know very little about squirrels other than that husband and neighbor have concocted a few plans to kill the many that frequent our yard. Then I thought about how squirrels must have a territory- an area that they consider their neighborhood- because there are squirrels I see all the time in our yard (the one with the broken tail) and the one that I see by the river when LLC and I are running (the albino) and the list goes on. All very interesting, but an odd thing to think about in depth this morning. And probably not a very interesting thing to blog about.
Recently, husband and I went to finish up a little Christmas shopping in a local area near to our house. It was lovely to frequent and support local businesses that I really appreciate having close to us. Plus, I am realizing that the service and friendliness you receive in these areas is unparalleled.
Last weekend as we were trimming the tree I realized that I really miss our cat, Leo. Although I am glad that he is in a good place out on the farm, I realized as I pulled out ornaments and other decorations that Christmas really was his season. He is featured in many of our ornaments and of course, there was the adorable habit of his of sitting below the lit up tree, all curled up on the tree skirt. It is tough to not have him here this season, being so cute. I still feel really sad to know that he had to start over somewhere else, and I miss him everyday very much. But how do you explain the way you feel about it to most people?
On Saturday, I was reminded of the tremendous kindness and understanding of one of my friends. Although I am struggling to describe it, it was just exactly something that was needed. It was considerate, caring, and just really, really a perfect gesture. I think it is one of those tiny things about her that will always stick out in my memory just because of the way it made me feel.
There are times when I think it would be genius to be able to purr like a cat. It lets people know that you are thoroughly enjoying their company without having to say a word and a hiatus in purring also indicates when someone has done something that is somewhat of a buzz-kill. Purr-fect.
Last weekend at a friend's holiday party, I was amazed to realize, AGAIN, what a small world it is. It is really fun and slightly crazy when you realize that several of your friends all know the same people, but that you didn't know that anyone knew each other.
Sometimes is it amazing how great a good cry can make you feel. After telling husband about this really sad, hard situation, tonight. I just let it go, and man, I feel much better although the situation remains.
I am really excited to report that I found time to make my favorite holiday cookies. I discovered them last year and made one batch with a friend. This year I tackled them on my own.... They are really bad for you, but that is why they are soooo good. Chocolate cookies with Andes Mints melted on top of them-a minty, chocolately chewy mouthful that is sublime. I guess I can bake more than just bread!
I will sign off from my random thoughts with a thought about the great river that we live on/near. Last weekend I drove over the river right after a large boat had passed through. It was really beautiful to see the river iced over, except for this very perfect path cut through the ice by a ship. It was strangely fascinating to look at, and it reminded me of watching the ore boats cut through the harbor ice in Duluth.